Andrà Tutto Bene. Italy and the Corona Virus


Andrà Tutto Bene. It means – Everything is going to be ok. This has become the unofficial response from ordinary Italians to this nationwide and worldwide crisis. These homemade banners have been appearing everywhere.

As of today, we have officially been on nationwide lockdown for a week. These steps have been taken for several reasons. We know that we cannot simply stop the virus, but the hope is that it can be slowed dramatically. Up in the north, in the region of Lombardy in particular, the hospitals were getting close to collapse. The Corona Virus attacks the lungs, and in people with respiratory problems, or other immune system weaknesses, it does not just send them to the hospital, it sends them to the ICU, and the ICU cases rapidly progress to where a respirator is needed. There have been a few heartbreaking stories where doctors were faced with situations where they had more patients than respirators and there were none to be had from anywhere else. It turned into what they described as battlefield triage where they were forced to decide who would get access to the machines. (Side note, this story may have been the source for some disgusting tabloid garbage I have seen going about social media about Italy denying care to people over 65. This is a Catholic nation for heavens sake!!) So the lockdown is a last chance attempt to slow the spread to a manageable rate, and also to try and stop it from racing down to the south of Italy where the percentage of older people is much much higher than in the north and the hospitals are not as well equipped.

How are the Italians reacting to this? Frankly, I am incredibly proud of the country I am now calling home. Overwhelmingly people have taken this calmly. It is kind of spooking seeing the streets so empty though. There has been no panic buying like in the United States. The stores are fully stocked.

I took this photo in the local supermarket, the toilet paper isle. They only let a certain number of people into the store at one time. We line up outside and the security guy sends us in groups of two or three. I waited about ten minutes to get in. The store had maybe about a third of the normal amount of people usually in it.

Come to Abruzzo! We have toilet paper.

This is the produce section. Hard to see, but maybe a dozen people total were in this section. Knowing that there are no shortages in the stores goes a long way to reassure people that they don’t need to panic or horde. Plus there seems to be more of a ‘us’, mentality in Europe than there is in America where so many of the posts seem focused on people taking a how does this affect ‘me’ mentality.

The Italians have faced this crisis with resilience and defiance. A week ago there was a nationwide movement to all go to our balconies and play music or sing. All over Italy people came to their balconies to say and sing in unison. “Yes, we are still here!” 

The rest of the world seems to be about three weeks behind Italy for some reason, Perhaps it is the amount of tourism. The measure of a people is not how they behave in the best of times, but how they deal with the worst of times. 


Long Term Car Rental

Long Term Car Leasing You cannot buy a car in Italy unless you are a resident. That is the long and short of it. Anyone with a holiday home will need to rent or go without. (This post is aimed at people who are not dual Italian/Other Citizens, or other EU) What Are The Options? If you are needing a car for a fairly long period. Which for example would apply to people who have arrived with their Elective Resident Visa and are waiting and waiting for their Permesso and Residency Cards, you can use one of the French programs that are called Lease/Buyback. These programs are only open to Non-EU residents and you get a new car, FULLY INSURED. You can see their PDF document explaining the process HERE.  The Website Link for Price  is here. I can tell you that at this time it costs about 800 a month if you are insuring for three or more months. I used these people when we first came here and when they say full coverage, it is accurate. When I turned the vehicle in they did not even bother to inspect it. There is a second place, called Noleggiare  And you can rent for any length of time. They have a few insurance options to pick and the basic one has a 1000 deductible. To rent from these people you need to provide some financial information that verifies your income. I have not used them, but social security benefit verification documents and age verification may be sufficient.   

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